curhatan kali ini hampir 100% bahasa Inggris. Kami mohon maaf bagi yang kurang bisa mengikuti. Admin teman-curhatku ngga ngerubah bahasa curhatnya karena kami tau bahwa cewek ini lebih comfy kalo cerita/ngomonk pake bahasa Inggris.
Tapi biarpun begono, curhatannya sangat menarik dan bisa dijadikan pelajaran hidup bagi kita semua. Enjoy the ride, fellas..
Darn, it's hard to open up those old wounds that never heals... ones that don't hurt if u don't touch it.
I had a bestfriend since I was in junior high. He's always in my sight, always by my side. People always guess there's more to it. But I believed it was just friendship. He was too cute to be with me, that's what I thought. We remained bestfriends for a few years until I moved out of the country for school.
Then I returned, we lived in the same city outside of hometown. I was new in the city, and he took care of me so well it touched me. Months passed by, I moved back to hometown, and distance started to cause sparks. Later on, we were an item. Predictable yeah?
But happy moments didn't last very long. Another chick had been waiting for him way before I moved back to Indo. She made herself think that he belong to her. He didn't wanna hurt her. So we sorta couldn't publicize our relationship to his side of friends. He still let that chick treated him like they were a couple. And he started to lie to me. Few months later, I caught him red-handed 'lying'. Couldn't bear with it, then I confronted that chick. Voila, it didn't strengthen my relationship, in fact, that incident destroyed our rel.
Cold War. Our relationship got smooth for a week and messy for a few weeks. We broke up.
I was having issues with my old man too at the same time and that stressed me out a bunch. Penyakit lama kambuh. I had a seizure. Pretty bad, and since then I was not allowed to see him anymore.
BUT, each time he returned to our hometown, we hang out. Things started to get better and worse at the same time. Relationship with him is good. With my parents? Very bad.
That part stressed him out. We got into fights. We broke up again.
He met someone else but didn't last very long either.
We got back together again. Off again.
Gw menghindar dari dia sejak itu. Completely off the radar for a year or two. But he's always come back to me. *Beuh backsound: 'Come Back To Me' nya Hikki. Hehee. So yeah he's back in the radar. I made myself hold on to one rule, never fall for him again. Coz it will never work out. Besides, he met someone else not long after we broke up, and I felt betrayed. We talked, and talked things out. Lotsa explanation and all. And we moved on to the next level. From enemies back to friendship. Ya gitu deh ... deketan lagi .. he gave me a lot of signals .. too much signals, I'm afraid. I asked whether he was currently single. And he said YES. I asked him again and again until I was satisfied. Same Answer. On the other side, I heard people saying he had someone else. Other people too said it's just a cover... He's gay. Our relationship got stronger until I confronted him one last time, and he said, "there is someone else, yes, but I care for her as much as I care for u."
... game over. I'm not sharing. And I don't want to be with him to cover the fact that he's gay. I raged out in my personal blog, about him being gay, one who could not decide which one he cares more. He read and outraged. We never talk again.
After 6 months of silence, he's posting a lot of "I miss you" etc on his MSN status. So I'm assuming he is with someone else now. And I'm in pain. Like all over again. Wounds that never heals. Only hurts when u touch it. I thought I've moved on, tell me, have I?
8 Heya's:
if this were a soap opera, unless Josh Hartnett is playing the dude, I would skip it.. :D by that I'm saying Yeah kedengarannya agak dramatis gimanaaaa gituh .. but it did happened, that's the big line at least, skipping the full more drama details
*the client in this very own post*
hey hey hey.. you're not supposed to skip the admins :P
I'm in the middle of doing something (that I can't really leave behind for now) and your story/curhatan is very nice, and I feel obligated to devote myself into it.
So yeah.. I'll get back to this curhatan asap when I'm done with a fair share of this deal I gotta take care of
Ah F it, I'm putting off my work just for you. Happy? :D
Mungkin lo ga minta gue komentar soal ini, tapi gue rasa perlu disebut. Waktu ada cewek baru yang suka sama dia dan dia bilang dia ga mau hurt her felings DAN lo biarin dia.. That was a very bad move..
Karena 2 hal:
1. lo secara ga langsung ngasi kesempatan ke cewek itu untuk lebih deket ke mantan lo itu.. Not a very wise thing to do
2. dan alasan mantan lo ga mau ngelukain dia itu very controversial. Ucapannya dia itu, dalam arti lain, bunyinya seperti ini: "eh gue enjoy di-flirting-in sama cewek itu. Kamu bolehin aku flirting2 sama dia ga?"
Gue sendiri juga suka godain cewek2 laen. Tapi I have a pretty clear mind of who I am really with. Kalo dia cowok yang bisa responsible atas tindakannya dia dengan cewek yang ngedeketin dia itu, kalo dia cowok yang bisa kasi batasan dalam hubungannya dia itu, kalo dia cowok yang masih punya pandangan sebuah border hitam dan putih, ya gpp. Tapi kayanya dia bukan cowok yang seperti itu
Another thing, kalo tentang parents lo, gue sendiri adalah a firm believer kalo hidup gue adalah untuk gue sendiri dan bukan untuk orang lain. Orang tua gue ga perlu suka dengan pasangan gue. Kalo gue suka sama dia ya udah gue lanjutin, terlepas dari apa yang orang tua gue bilang. Dan untungnya orang tua gue sendiri juga berpikiran seperti itu.
Mungkin lo ga seberuntung gue dalam hal ortu, tapi ingetlah selalu.. Lo hidup itu pake hidup lo sendiri. Itu bukan nyawa orang laen yang lo pegang. Berbuatlah sesuatu yang bikin lo seneng. Kalo lo paling seneng pas ortu lo happy, ya buatlah mereka happy. Tapi kalo ternyata lo paling seneng pas sama pasangan lo, ya gue rasa itu alasan yang bagus untuk tetep sama pasangan lo, siapapun dia.
Ketiga, yep, lo masih blum bisa lupain dia. Tapi ada banyak alasan yang BAGUS untuk ngelupain dia. Kalo alasan yang bagus untuk ngelupain dia itu lebih banyak daripada alasan yang jelek untuk ngelupain dia, kenapa lo ga lupain dia aja?
Tapi kalo emank dia bener2 worth keeping, then maybe you should try to get him back. But honestly, my gut feeling says he's not a keeper.. At least not for the time being.
I know it might be hard to forget, very very hard. But lemme give you a thought experiment:
ada 2 kondisi:
1. lo lupain dia sekarang
2. lo ga lupain dia sekarang
Trus fast forward, 5 tahun dari sekarang: apa yang akan diri lo pikirin with respect to kedua kondisi tersebut? Apakah lo bakal seneng atau sedih dengan kondisi pertama? Apakah lo bakal seneng atau sedih dengan kondisi kedua?
Kalo ternyata lo mikir kalo lo 5 tahun lagi ngerasa seneng dengan kondisi yang pertama, then lupain dia sekarang.
Kalo ternyata lo mikir kalo lo 5 tahun lagi ngerasa seneng dengan kondisi yang kedua, then get him back.
Moga2 gue udah ngebantu sedikit untuk membuat keputusan lo :)
Comments are always warmly welcomed, of course.
Of course... I can't find any thing in ur comment that I can argue with except the 'ortu' part,,,
Gw adalah tipe konservatif yg pcaya "Listen to ur mama" (and papa) hehe. For some reasons, insting nya ortu is mostly 99% accurate :D
All they ever wanted was to protect me from being hurt. And it's perfectly okay.
On the other side, gw nga nyalahin mantan for everything that had happened. Yg gw sesali cmn, we were such an item, and now there are so much hatred floating in the air.
As of for now, gw nga bisa fast forward ke 5taon kedepan. Ini udah 8bulan silence (ralat, bukan 6bulan), gw pikir udah over dan ternyata the heartache is still there, even tho gw udah do everything possible to get over him. Hanya, the fact that he CAN love someone else now, crush me :'(
But thank you so much. And Yes I'm Happy u punch "Pause" on ur work to comment. :D Pandu rocks!
*the client in this very own post*
and now I'm hooked.. *sigh*
Can I blame you if my work's not done cuz of your curhatan? :P
about ortu, that's all good. Kalo lo ngerasa paling seneng dengan nurut orang tua 99% of the time, then by all means, go for it.
@we were such an item, and now there are so much hatred floating in the air.
The condition you are in right "now" does not necessitate the condition you have "tomorrow". And the thing is, it's you who can change that circumstances. It's you who can make the world you are living in "tomorrow" better than the world you are living in "now".
You can do it, but the question is: will you?
@Ini udah 8bulan silence (ralat, bukan 6bulan), gw pikir udah over dan ternyata the heartache is still there, even tho gw udah do everything possible to get over him.
So, if I don't misinterpret your quote, this past 8 months you've been trying to forget him.
Does not that imply, that you are (maybe, subconsciously) BELIEVE that you would be happier if you could just forget him (by the fact that you are trying to forget him)?
And I personally speculate that if you would think 8 months back, you would be happier by now if you could have forgotten him back then?
Am I correct?
Kalo gue bener berarti pemikiran lo untuk ngelupain dia udah bener, dan sekarang tinggal caranya.
Cara yang paling efektif adalah cari cowok lain. Cara yang ga kalah efektifnya itu have fun bareng temen dan ngelakuin semua hal2 gokil yang pengen lo lakuin. Sebisa mungkin selalu bareng temen n ngobrol hal2 yang seru n paling up2date.
Lo ga bakal bisa lupain dia selama lo masih berusaha ngelupain dia. Quite the paradox but it's true. Don't try to forget him. Just do your daily chores with friends
... or visit my blogs often to have some laugh hahaha.. It'll be even greater to go all "gossipy" with your friends in a blog you know :P
I'm opening a new blog next week, helped by a friend of mine, titled The Dude Theory; you might wanna check it out by then and..... vent your anger.. perhaps? *evil grin*
"Lo ga bakal bisa lupain dia selama lo masih berusaha ngelupain dia."
Keep it in mind ... its so true ...
coz tiap kali lo BERUSAHA means u think about it ... over n over again ...
then how could u possibly 4get it ... ???
apa yg kita rasain mostly based on what we think ...
for instance :
*lo mikir klo di sudut kamar lo ada dedemit ... otomatis lo jadi ngerasa takut padahal rasa takut lo itu di ciptain ama pikiran lo ndiri
klo soal ortu terus terang gue ga terlalu bisa comment apa2 ...
i have the exact same problem n i havent solve it out either ...
what's the craziest thing that u've done lately ... ? double dose it ... =P
somehow u'll not remember him anymore as the time thicking ...
control ur very own self lah ... ^^
@ Pandu : gilax, yg bener aja .. how did u do it?? do u read minds, or u just happened to be good at examining this issue. You're right, I'm doing way better than 8months ago when I cried a river. Mgkn gw msh sedih krn dy udah pny gebetan baru and gw msh *searching. Cara epektip : nyari cow baru? Strongly disagree. Done it, bad idea. Have fun bareng temen? doing it. Lookin forward to get some insight from the Dude Theory ..
@ Tito: "Lo ga bakal bisa lupain dia selama lo masih berusaha ngelupain dia." ___ I'll keep this in mind. "Double dose the craziest thing I've done lately" .. awesomest idea!
Btw, I'm still keeping him on my msn and ym (not fb) because I need to see those status that he post up. So that I can wake myself up from my stupid dream that he's moved on a mile. So I guess it's not such a bad idea at all, and after I've let my curhat out at this blog, I felt a whole lot better, I'm on the right track like Pandu said, I guess I can get used to the picture of him with someone else in the future :D
*the client in this very own post*
how did I do it?
I'm just THAT good! mbwahahahah!!
just kidding..
Gue seneng lo ngerasa lebih "fresh" abis curhat di sini. That's the whole point of this blog and that's the sole dedication of the team here :D
It's ok kalo lo keep dia di msn and ym.. yang paling penting lo jangan anggep message2nya itu ditujuin buat lo. Anggep aja just info dan lo kebetulan sedikit interested sama infonya.
You're welcome and always be happy ok?
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